Big Trucks Resolution


WHEREAS, the DeKalb County Governing Authority is concerned with the welfare of motorists and the cost, quality and reliability of our County’s infrastructure, as well as the development of the County as one of the region’s premiere transportation hubs; and WHEREAS, the 2016 United States Department of Transportation (“USDOT”) study found that allowing the longer double trailer trucks known as double 33s would result in nearly 2,500 interstate and other National Highway System bridges needing to be strengthened or reinforced; and, WHEREAS, the 2016 USDOT study accounts for only 20 percent of bridges—the other 80 percent of bridges on our state and local roads would be even more vulnerable to the double 33s configuration; and, WHEREAS, Georgia has 5,686 bridges that are currently rated as in either “poor” or “fair” condition, representing 38% percent of all bridges statewide, according to the Federal Highway Administration; and, WHEREAS, a total of 24% of Georgia’s major roads are in poor or mediocre condition costing Georgia motorists $2.7 billion a year – $375 per driver – in the form of additional repairs, accelerated vehicle depreciation, and increased fuel consumption and tire wear, according to The Road Information Program 2021 Georgia Report; and, WHEREAS, government highway cost allocation studies show that increases in truck length and weight would exacerbate the existing underpayment by trucks for the infrastructure damage they cause, thus increasing their subsidization by municipalities and counties, amounting to an unfunded mandate; and, WHEREAS, permitting additional bigger truck routes and allowing commodity-specific exemptions in a piecemeal fashion is dangerous, costly and difficult to enforce; and, WHEREAS, the USDOT specifically recommends against allowing state-specific or commodity-specific exemptions since they may have unintended consequences for safety and highway infrastructure; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the DeKalb County Governing Authority opposes any increases in truck length or weight, including specific exemptions, at the State or Federal level.

6.30.21 ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of DeKalb County, this _______ day of __________ 2021. ______________Presiding Officer Board of Commissioners DeKalb County, Georgia APPROVED by the Chief Executive Officer of DeKalb County, this _______ day of __________ 2021._____________ MICHAEL L. THURMOND Chief Executive Officer DeKalb County, Georgia ATTEST: ____________ BARBARA NORWOOD-SANDERS, CCC Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and Chief Executive Officer DeKalb County, Georgia APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO SUBSTANCE: ________________ VIVIANE H. ERNSTES ZACHARY L. WILLIAMS County Attorney Chief Operating Officer DeKalb County, Georgia DeKalb County, Georgia
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