Youth Empowerment

There is an emerging science that says if you want to know the outlook of a community – look at the children. This science is the foundation for the child well-being index by the United Way. The index analyzes a set of 14 measures that can be used as a tool to help assess how children, the families that support them, and the communities that surround them, are doing. The child well-being index, combined with local data from human service agencies, and our school system will be used by my administration as CEO to plan, monitor and respond to the Positive Youth Development needs of DeKalb County children.

Positive Youth Development (PYD) is pro-social and benefits not only program participants, but society. Youth empowerment programs are crucial to the success of communities and the long-term success of children. Youth empowerment programs provide young people the opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge. They help build confidence, self-esteem and develop a positive outlook on life. Additionally, when implemented in support of children in need of mentorship, guidance, and positive role models, these programs help reduce crime rates and improve academic performance.

In recent years, as we see alarming data on youth violence, criminal activity, and increased suicide in teens and young adults, there has been a growing movement to empower young people and help them develop the skills they need to succeed in life. As your CEO, I will continue my efforts to provide enriching experiences for youth through mentoring, WorkSource DeKalb summer employment opportunities, strategic partnerships with the DeKalb County School System, and the development of the E.M.B.A.R.C. Youth Farm – a 58-acre youth oasis. Currently under construction, the Youth Farm will feature, a state-of-the-art greenhouse, raised garden beds, swimming, kayaking, tennis, trails, aquaponics, hydroponics, editable landscapes, and a country store where jams, jellies, preserves, and fresh fruits and vegetables will be sold as a part of the youth entrepreneurship initiative.

Created in 2019, the Lock-In For Life provides meaningful interactions and critical life skills to young men ages 8-19. The program focusses on four major components: Mentorship, Am I My Brothers Keeper, Ignorance Is No Defense, and Mental & Social Preparedness. Conducted in partnership with the 100 Black Men of DeKalb; Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi; and, the DeKalb County Juvenile Court, to date the program has reached more than 500 young men and provides ongoing mentorship, scholarships, and guidance.